[axaordbv] [ort] [name] Pärchen geht über Steine am Strand

AXA Versicherung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen Private Health Insurance Bremen

[axaordbv] [ort] [name] Pärchen geht über Steine am Strand

AXA Versicherung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen – private health insurance

Powerful - Flexible - Cheap - Safety in old age

Private health insurance by AXA Versicherung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen:

As a classic employee you are covered by the statutory health insurance. Only when the annual income is above the so-called compulsory insurance limit (currently - 2018 - an annual income of € 59400.- gross, this is € 4950 per month) is it no longer obligated to insure yourself in the statutory health insurance. In this case, one can take advantage of the much better benefits of the multiple award-winning private health insurance of AXA health insurance in Bremen.

Advantages of private health insurance of AXA Health Insurance in Bremen:

  • contributions regardless of income
  • Comprehensive and targeted services
  • Comprehensive and effective catalog of remedies
  • Contribution stability at retirement age through the formation of aging provisions
  • Guaranteed services during the entire contract period
  • Tooth rates with excellence without deductibles
  • status as a private patient
  • Quick and easy billing with all dentists
  • TOP support of your contract by our specialists of AXA Regionalvertretung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen
  • Personal contact

Your health is your most important asset & health is priceless!

For civil servants, separate tariffs apply, since a subsidy is granted by the employer in the form of aid. For further information and individual advice on all aspects of private health insurance for civil servants, please read:

Request now your individual consultation with us

Flexibility: Protect your health according to your personal needs.

You choose the services you want from our wide range of services and design your AXA health insurance as you need it. Additionally, cover your income in the event of a long illness with a sickness or hospital daily allowance. And at the best possible price-performance ratio.
Top performance for your health - this is what the private health insurance of AXA Versicherung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen has to offer.

Contact us

If you have any questions about us or any of our products, please feel free to contact us. The team of the AXA Versicherung fair Finanzpartner oHG in Bremen is looking forward to meeting you. Either in person in our office or via phone or e-mail.

AXA Regionalvertretung fair Finanzpartner oHG
Haferwende 36A
28357 Bremen
0421 278890
Termin vereinbaren

Tarifübersicht für Privatkunden

Produktübersicht von AXA


Hier finden Sie weitere Tarifrechner der AXA für Privatkunden. Verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick und berechnen Sie Ihren Tarif. Bei weiteren Fragen zu Versicherungen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und beraten Sie gern.

AXA Regionalvertretung fair Finanzpartner oHG
Haferwende 36A
28357 Bremen
Termin vereinbaren 0421 278890 0421 2788999 Filialen und Team
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